QuickBooks Update Error 15240 (Payroll Update Didn’t Complete)


If you are using QuickBooks accounting software and you think everything is going well, you could be surprised by mistakes that appear on your screen for one reason or another. The “QuickBooks error 15240” is one frequent issue that consumers frequently report.

This specific mistake might be very bothersome. Basically, it’s an update mistake that may cause you problems when you upgrade the payroll software or QuickBooks desktop. Furthermore, incorrect configuration of Internet Explorer’s time and date settings, among other things, may also result in this error.

The QuickBooks update error code 15240 is generally attended by two of the error messages:

  • Warning- QuickBooks error 15240: HRESULT XXXXX the QuickBooks update did not complete successfully
  • Warning- QuickBooks error 15240: HRESULT XXXXX the payroll update did not complete successfully

Let us now move ahead and learn what exactly the QuickBooks Update error 15240 is all about.

What is QuickBooks Update Error 15240?

When a user tries to update their payroll services or update QuickBooks to the most recent version, they frequently encounter the QuickBooks desktop update problem 15240. With an error message stating that the update failed, this issue may stop the update process.

The problem typically occurs for a number of reasons, including improper date and time settings on your computer, an improperly configured browser that QuickBooks uses for updates, or an improperly installed version of QuickBooks without administrator permissions.

Now that you know what the QuickBooks error 15240 is, let us know to get an insight into the causes that trigger the issue.

What Causes QuickBooks Update Error 15240?

Here is the list of the reasons that triggered the QuickBooks update error 15240:

  • Incorrect computer date and time settings
  • Corrupted or damaged QuickBooks company files
  • Wrong Internet Explorer settings configuration
  • Running QuickBooks in the absence of Admin permissions
  • Antivirus software of firewall blocking QuickBooks

Signs and Symptoms of the QuickBooks Update Error Code 15240

Here is the list of the signs and symptoms of the QuickBooks update error code 15240:

  • Your system crashes very often and shows Error 15240 while the same program is being run
  • Periodic freezing of your system for sometime
  • An error notification 15240 comes up and then crashes the present program window
  • Delayed response to keyboard or mouse inputs

How to Resolve the QuickBooks Payroll Update Error 15240?

Here is the list of the solutions that can assist you in resolving the QuickBooks error code 15240. Let us check out each solution one after another.

Solution 1: Run the QuickBooks software with Admin rights

Several times you have to use QuickBooks using the admin details and if you have not signed in as an Admin, then it is quite likely that you will experience the issue. You need to implement the steps given below:

  1. The first step is to go to the QuickBooks icon on the desktop and press right-click on it
  2. Now you need to choose the option, Run as Administrator
  3. Now, open the Properties option, and review the Compatibility for all users

Solution 2: Authenticating the Internet Explorer Settings

If you are running QuickBooks since Admin is not working, then it is possible to authenticate the Explorer settings.

Here are the steps included in this procedure and they are as follows:

  1. To start with, you need to select the Gear Icon and then choose the Internet Options
  2. Next, move to the particular Advanced tab
  3. In the Security tab, you will be required to mark Use SSL 3.0 and SSL 2.0
  4. In the last step of this procedure, you need to choose Apply and then press the OK button

Solution 3: Check the Third-party firewall

To resolve this issue, you can also verify the settings of the third-party firewall since the firewall frequently obstructs the software’s ability to communicate with other files. The following are the steps that will assist you to check the third-party firewall:

  1. Talk to the developer of the third-party firewall for guidelines on the procedure to change the settings and allow QuickBooks to download and install updates
  2. Also, make sure the following files have the right to go through the firewall:
    • Qbw32.exe
    • Qbupdate.exe

It is important to note that you also need to authenticate that ports 80 and 443 are not disabled.

Solution 4: Review the system date and time settings

  1. For this, you need to select the time display on the system and then choose the date and time settings
  2. Set the right time and date
  3. Also, select the Apply and OK options

Solution 5: Use the Clean Install Tool to reinstall the software

With consistent application, this method can assist you in getting rid of all the remains that may have built up over time. To prevent any type of data loss, make sure you have a full backup of the firm file. The following are the steps needed to carry out a clean installation of the QuickBooks desktop:

  1. First, you need to uninstall the QuickBooks Desktop from the system
  2. Now rename the installation folders by downloading the QuickBooks Clean Install tool and then running it
  3. Now reinstall the QuickBooks software
Note: It is also possible to run the clean install tool directly from the QuickBooks tool hub.

Solution 6: Authenticating that the security software settings are set in the right manner

This problem is frequently caused by security and anti-malware tools interfering with QuickBooks functionality. It is your responsibility to make sure the QuickBooks procedure runs smoothly and that the program’s settings are configured.

Solution 7: Including Windows permission to QuickBooks installation folders

In this method, where you can include the Windows permissions to QuickBooks installation folders in order to resolve the issue by implementing the steps given below:

  1. First, shut your QuickBooks
  2. Go to the C:\Program Files. For the 64-but users, C: Program files (x86).
  3. Press right-click on the Intuit folder and then select the Properties option
  4. Now go to the security tab and then choose the Advanced option
  5. You will be required to make sure that the folder owner is the user group. In case it is not, then you will need to take ownership of the particular Intuit folder by implementing the steps given below:
    • 1st step: Choose Change beside the owner name on the screen for Advanced Security settings screen.
    • 2nd step: Enter users in the enter the object name to choose the field and also choose the check names
    • 3rd step: Next, press the OK button. Now mark replace owner on sub-containers and objects.
    • 4th step: Once it is done, press Apply and OK tabs
    • 5th step: Choose the users on the permissions screen and then press on the Full Control option
    • 6th step: Choose the Apply and OK tab
  6. You must try downloading the updates and in case the error repeats, then implement the above steps for the folders below:
    • (64-bit users) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intuit
    • C:\Users\Your User Name\AppData\Local\Intuit
    • C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intuit
    • C:\ProgramData\Intuit

Read About: QuickBooks Payroll Update Not Working

Final words

You may greatly reduce the likelihood of encountering the QuickBooks payroll issue 15240 by following the aforementioned procedures. But don’t hesitate to give us a call at any moment if you need help with anything.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have about QuickBooks; you will undoubtedly receive the most thorough response here. We are here to assist you at all times.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Will QuickBooks Error 15240 impact my present data?

Ans: The main impact of QuickBooks Payroll Error 15240 is on payroll services or software updates; it usually does not damage or change your current data. To avoid data loss, it’s a good idea to constantly backup your data if your system fails frequently.

Q2: is it possible that a firewall or antivirus can trigger the QuickBooks error code 15240?

Ans:  Yes, if your firewall or antivirus program is preventing QuickBooks from connecting to the internet that could be the source of QuickBooks Error 15240. You can fix this by adding QuickBooks to your firewall’s or antivirus program’s exceptions list.

Q3: Which Microsoft Windows operating system witnesses QuickBooks error 15240 often?

Ans: The following Windows operating systems may experience the QuickBooks error 15240:

  • Windows 8
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 10
  • Windows ME
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 2000
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