QuickBooks Error 3371: Could not Initialize License Properties

QuickBooks Error 3371

When activating or opening QuickBooks Desktop, you may sometimes encounter one of the following error messages:

  • Initializing license properties was not possible. QuickBooks was unable to import the licensing data [Error 3371]. File corruption or missingness could be the cause of this.
  • Could not initialize license properties. [QuickBooks Error 3371, Status Code -11118] The license data could not be loaded into QuickBooks. File corruption or missingness could be the cause of this.
  • You could not initialize license properties. [QuickBooks Error 3371, Status Code -1] The license data could not be loaded into QuickBooks. This can be caused by damaged files or missing files.

Note: If you open the file before saving it using WebConnect with QuickBooks Enterprise on Rightworks, you will get this issue. Before importing the file, you must first save it.QBO file.

What are the Common Reasons that Causes QuickBooks Error 3371 in QuickBooks?

Following are the reasons that explains the common causes of QuickBooks error 3371:

  • Damaged or missing QuickBooks registration.dat file
  • Damaged MSXML component
  • Using an Outdated Windows Operating system
  • Antivirus or third-party system cleaner applications
  • Before saving importing the file.

Decoding QuickBooks Error 3371 Status Code -11118, -1

The other error from the 3371 series is QuickBooks Error 3371 Status Code 11118, it has the same triggers as other 3371 error codes, that is corrupt or missing license data files. This error code arises when you are trying to activate QuickBooks Desktop after the re-installation. There is a quick way to resolve the issue which is to run the 3371 Error Fix tool, which you can access from QuickBooks Tool Hub.

  • Install QuickBooks Tool Hub after downloading it. It is located in QuickBooks Desktop’s Help tab.
  • Download the QuickBooks Tool Hub installation file by clicking the accurate download link once you’re on the official Intuit website.
  • Once the download is finished, open the file that you have saved to a location where you can easily find it.
  • Follow the on-screen directions to finish installing the tool hub.
  • Using the desktop icon, open Tool Hub and select the Installation Issues option.
  • To automatically fix QuickBooks issue 3371 Status Code 11118, tap the 3371 issue Fix option and press OK.
  • Try relaunching QuickBooks Desktop and opening the company file to check if the 11118 error has been fixed.

What are the Steps to Fix Error 3371 with Status Code-1118 and Status Code -1 in QuickBooks Desktop?

Following the methods is important in resolving the error 3371 status code 1118, follow the steps mentioned below:

  • The latest version of Windows needs to be installed on your computer before you can successfully install QuickBooks.
  • If none of these solutions worked, your Windows package may be corrupt. In such cases, consulting a technician might be helpful.

Solution 1: Run 3371 Error Fix from the Tool Hub

The purpose of QuickBooks Tool Hub is to solve practically all of the errors that QuickBooks typically runs into. The 3371 error fix tool that we offer in the QuickBooks tool hub fixes the problem automatically. Follow the steps mentioned below:

Download and Install QuickBooks Desktop Tool Hub

  1. From the taskbar, you can exit QuickBooks Desktop.
  2. Download the latest version of the QuickBooks Tool Hub.
  3. Go to the computer’s downloads and start the QuickBooksToolHub.exe program.
  4. Before beginning the installation, accept the terms and conditions and follow the instructions as they appear on the screen.
  5. Now you have to go to the desktop and double-click the QuickBooks Tool Hub icon.
  6. In case you are not able to find the icon on the Desktop, then you can search for it by using the Windows Search feature.
  7. QuickBooks Tool Hub via Windows SearchQuickBooks Tool Hub via Windows Search

Run Error 3371 Fix Tool from Tool Hub

  1. Select Installation Issues from the left pane once the Tool Hub app has loaded.
  2. Select 3371 Error Fix from the menu.
  3. Click OK, then try to open the company file in QuickBooks Desktop again.

Proceed to the next troubleshooting step to fix QuickBooks registration problem 3371 if using QB Tool Hub does not cure the issue.

Solution 2: Fix the Damaged QBregestration.dat file

When you delete the QBRegistration.dat file, QuickBooks will become de-registered and require you to re-register it when you run it. This will help you with re-registering the application with a registration file that is corruption-free which will help in resolving the issue.

  1. Close the QuickBooks program.
  2. To access Task Manager, simultaneously press the Ctrl+Shift+Delete buttons on your computer.
  3. Then you have to go to the Processes tab, search and then you have to right-click QBW32.exe process and then you have to click End Process Tree.
  4. Close QBW32.exe Work in Task ManagerClose QBW32.exe Work in Task Manager and then you have to click OK.
  5. Now open the Run command window by pressing Windows + R key on your keyboard and type C:\ProgramData\Intuit\Entitlement Client\v6 or 8, and hit OK.
  6. C:\ProgramData\Intuit\Entitlement Client\v6
  7. C:\ProgramData\Intuit\Entitlement Client\v6
  8. Now in this folder, find and delete EntitlementDataStore.ecml file.
  9. Click Yes to confirm and open the QuickBooks application.

Solution 3: Repair Damaged MSXML files

A deep understanding of the Windows operating system is necessary for installing and fixing Microsoft components. If the following instructions don’t feel comfortable to you, call customer support for professional assistance.

Solution 4: Register MSXML File

  1. To open the Run window, use the keyboard shortcut Windows + R.
  2. Enter cmd.exe and select OK.
  3. Then you have to right-click inside cmd window and then you have to select Run as Administrator.
  4. After typing cd\windows\syswow64, hit Enter.
  5. Type regsvr32 MSXML6.dll now, then hit Enter.
  6. Install the QuickBooks software.

Download MSXML.msi File

  1. Download the file msmxl.msi.
  2. In the Search Programs and Files search box, type exe /fvaum”%userprofile%\desktop\msxml.msi” and press Enter after clicking the Windows Start button.
  3. After installing msmxl, install QuickBooks.

Perform the Installation of MSXML.msi File

  1. After downloading the MSXML.msi installation file, right-click it and choose “Run as Administrator.”
  2. To finish the installation process, now you have to follow the on-screen instructions.
  3. Install the QuickBooks application lastly when the installation is finished.


Try running a clean install of the program using the QuickBooks Clean Install tool from QuickBooks Tool Hub if none of the troubleshooting solutions work. Call our customer support if you run into problems throughout the troubleshooting process and one of our phone support specialists will help you quickly fix QuickBooks error 3371 status code 11118.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is QuickBooks Error 3371?

Ans: Some of the various technical issues with QuickBooks happen when attempting to access the QB application. One such error that a user may experience is QuickBooks Error 3371, which appears when QB files are damaged and stored on the device. The issue “QuickBooks could not load the license data” is accompanied by a warning text that appears when the program is activated immediately after installation. It could be the result of corrupted or missing files. The implication verifies that corrupted files are the primary cause of the same.

Q2: How Does QuickBooks Error 3371 Occur?

Ans. The various signs that QB Error 3371 is present in your computer and software that you may observe are explained in this section.

  1. Suddenly, QuickBooks’s tools stopped working.
  2. Even with the newest version, Windows may crash.
  3. QB starts to independently close and reopen.
  4. The home screen becomes unresponsive to user requests and freezes.

Q3: What Are Some Common Cases of QuickBooks Error 3371?

Ans. Several causes for the problem 3371 appear in QuickBooks Desktop when initializing licensing properties. A different error code is triggered by each cause.

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